Heritage Park l Dana Point, CA

Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - The brides bouquet
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Wedding bands on top of a local newspaper with the headline story showing the newly engaged couple.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - The bride and groom walking hand in hand through the sand with the ocean in the background.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Bride and groom embracing on the beach with the sun high in the sky as they stare into one another’s eyes.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Bride and groom kissing on a steep set of stairs leading to their ceremony location.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Groom staring lovingly at his bride preparing to welcome their guests.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Bride and groom touching foreheads with smiles on their faces.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Ceremony location with white flowered arches and the ocean in the background
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Wedding ceremony
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Groom kissing the bride to seal their marriage during the wedding ceremony.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Bride and groom dancing at the wedding reception.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Bride and groom standing at the top of a set of stairs, staring into the ocean as the sun begins to set.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Bride and groom standing on the beach with the ocean in the background and the sun beginning to set.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA - Bride and groom sitting in their getaway car facing their guests and preparing to depart.
Wedding Photography Packages - Heritage Park, Dana Point, CA -Groom kissing the bride in their red getaway car.

Contact us for more information on how we can tell your love story. We would love to walk you through our amazing packages, wedding albums, canvases, and other print photography products. We look forward to providing you with more information on our Wedding Videography and Wedding Photography and the opportunity to introduce you to our team!