Castle Hill Lighthouse l Newport, RI

Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple sitting on rock wall in front of manor

Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple sitting on rock wall in front of manor

Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple walking hand in hand through the grass sprinkled with dandelions
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple kissing on a bench surrounded by flowers
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple sitting on bench as future bride whispers in her future husbands ear.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Future bride leading future husband along the beach by the hand.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple walking hand in hand along the shoreline.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple facing one another lovingly on a rocky outcrop overlooking the ocean.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple kissing on the beach with the ocean behind them.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple staring into each others eyes and laughing joyously.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Future groom kissing future bride on the forehead.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple leaning on one another as they stare out in to the ocean.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Future groom leading future bride by the hand along the shoreline with the ocean in the background.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple walking hand in hand up stone stairs with the ocean behind them.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Future bride looking over her shoulder into her future husbands eyes as she sits in front of him.
Engagement Photography Services - Castle Hill Lighthouse, Newport, RI - Couple sitting together on stone stairs as the future groom holds his future bride.

Contact us for more information on how we can tell your love story. We would love to walk you through our amazing packages, wedding albums, canvases, and other print photography products. We look forward to providing you with more information on our Wedding Videography and Wedding Photography and the opportunity to introduce you to our team!