VLOG: What To Pack In Your Wedding Day Survival Kit


Your wedding day is going to be amazing, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be perfect. That last thing you need is to spill wine on your dress and not have a way to get that dress back to its pristine white condition. Today we’ll open up our Survival Kit and show you what we have found to be the most needed (and sometimes unexpected) tools for your special day.

What’s Inside Our Wedding Day Survival Kit

  1. Shout Wipes: Champaign, chocolate, and dirt - you will no doubt encounter all of these things on your wedding day. Hopefully these things will not encounter your wardrobe, but if they do, you will be prepared.

  2. Safety Pins: Whether it’s a broken zipper, a missing button, a rebellious boutonniere, or numerous other problems safety pins will be a game changer.

  3. Needle & Thread: Don’t let a small rip or a loose button stress you out. Be ready for a quick fix with a needle and thread.

  4. Scissors: Don’t get stuck with a loose thread or forgotten tag. Make sure you’re prepared for whatever challenge comes your way.

  5. Fashion Tape: As we all know, formal wear is slightly more demanding than your favorite jeans and sweater. Double sided fashion tape will make sure your dress is staying put in all the right places.

  6. Tampon: Well ladies…

  7. Mints: Laughing, talking, and mojitos are all a recipe for bad breath. Make sure you are fresh for that wedding day kiss!

  8. Snacks: This will be a long day and you will likely forget to eat. Have a fiber bar or something quick to help even out those wedding day jitters.

  9. Lipstick/Lipgloss: Once that smooching begins, you will want to make sure you have this ready so that every picture will be perfect.

  10. First Aid Kit: Scraped, bumps, and bruises are not uncommon. After all, your precious little flower girl is not used to wearing that big puffy dress.

  11. Deodorant: While you may love that look of that mid-day sun, no body wants the smell that accompanies it.

  12. Bobby Pins: You would think that the 143 bobby pins your stylist used that morning would keep your hair solid as a rock. But alas, touchups will be needed.

  13. Tissues: On a day wrapped in emotion, you might just need two packs of these.

  14. Tylenol: That last think you want to have to think about is a headache or aching feet. So have these on hand just in case.

  15. Extra Rings: What do you mean the best man left the rings in his other bag… in another state?! Believe it or not, that actually happens.

    While this is certainly not a comprehensive list. These are some of the more common things we have needed at the weddings we’ve been a part of. Comment below and let us know what else you will have in your emergency kit on your big day.

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